Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mr Palm and Mr.HB

It was a pleasant californian afternoon. I was sitting in the corner of my department's courtyard, on a bench that lined a rather poor looking inconspicous flowerbed. My only company was the tall, slightly absurd looking palm tree standing shyly next to the flowerbed. This tree is very special. He's a gentletree quite unlike his vily relatives who line the department's pathway pretending to be solemn and respectful, but never missing an opportunity to lean over and exchange a bit of slander when the breeze comes their way. My tree will seem plain on casual observation. His thick, brown curly tress and his flawless symmetric green fronds are hidden away above you, blocked from distant view by layers of concrete jutting out from the buildings around him. As I sat under him today, cross legged , facing up and soaking up his beauty, there came along the being of the day! A tiny, colourful, fast paced hummingbird, grazing my cheek..(Did he think I was one of those beautiful flowers :D),.hurrying towards the half withered flowers in the drab flowerbed, like a dutiful rich relative paying a quick obligatory periodic visit to his shameful poor relatives! ....These birds had always seemed like a myth to me. You have a feeling they are true, you read about them, you hear about them, but have never "seen" one before. Well, all you see from a distance is a haze and all you hear is a whirring or a buzzing..It could have been a bumble bee for all you know! Now i know! I know what he looks like, i know how tiny he is, how sharp and slender his beak his and how comical he looks with two fans whirring at top speed on either side of his colouful belly. I felt blessed like I had had a revelation in the middle of a just-another-day. Thank you Mr.Palm and Mr.HB for making my day!